Hypnose und Ablenkung

Samstag, 30. Juni 2012


(another posting, that makes no sense ...)

there is something new out there,

clea de nil performs the song: I am the water in the desert and I'm eating men.

why the desert? because the water is balancing out there in snake-land. the desert is sister with the moon. and father sun is reigning the golden land. dragons ar the keepers of the desert. there are all sorts of seeds in the desert, unseen, waiting for the right time to explode into live.

the desert is a male landscape, and so, when clea shows up there, there are enough men for her to eat and enjoy. she is the queen of the desert, the bringer of life and beauty to the land of flat reasoning. she walks in sandals or barefoot.

here is the text of this new born song:

i am the water in the desert
the queen of the nile
I am eating men
because I can

I used to walk through the desert
snakes and alligators
are my friends
so are the men
that I eat

wherever I go, there is beauty
I am the cisterne for thirsty men
I am the water in the desert
because I am

my name is clea de nil
I am born in april
and I am eating men
because I can
because Ican

If you are thirsty, come to me
you will be eaten
by the stream of my waters
by the waters of life
and that, my dear
will save your life
in the desert

Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2012


I have created a new song, it is called:


Dienstag, 12. Juni 2012

du bist ein meister

heute flüstert mir meine seele zu:

du bist ein meister

mehr nicht.

gestern kam energie in mein herz und sagt:

du hast keine angst mehr.

begleitet von bestimmtheit und liebe ist das passiert. und ich horchte weiter in mein herz hinein und konnte wirklich keine angst finden. diese erkenntnisse brauchen ein bisschen, um sie zu verdauen. aber ich hab wirklich das gefühl, dass das stimmt, zumindest mit der angst. das mit dem meister braucht vielleicht noch länger, um es in empfang zu nehmen. aber auch das fühlt sich natürlich und selbstverständlich an, wie wenn die liebe sagt:

ich bin die liebe.

Dienstag, 5. Juni 2012

a vision

I learned from the "the code" (http://www.birthdaycode.com/), that I am an intuitive and a visionary. so here is my prediction:

in the next months many of us will have to face fears, because the internal changes from the last months are manifesting now shortly in the external world. the label will be the Euro (the currency, yes and the european football championship in poland and the ukraine as well) and that will elicit fear, joy and chaos. out of chaos, there will come new solutions and new order.

it will be time to experiment with new solutions. the fear is a sign, that mass-consciousness is expanding greatly and my advice, as you face it is, to not take it as your own, it is just a sign, that something is shifting. it is the music of change for now. and it should be honored as this. perceive it and move on. it is just energy, that wants to serve you. in fact it is a time to celebrate this great change on earth. and many, many do this anyway.

the new earth is birthing.

ask yourself right now, which world do you wanna live in, because you are the anchors of new energy consciosness on earth. your visions will manifest almost instantly, because there is no time buffer any longer between your inner creation and your outer manifestation. what you choose, is what you get. your choices will ripple through mass-consciousness and change reality. and many will see and follow the light, that you put out.

as I look out my window I envision a city full of life-force from trees, plants, flowers and people, who follow their heart. the city is without grey streets and noisy cars. we can breath healthy clear air, and have completely new ways to get from a to b (yes we will surf through the air on the surfboard, that will be developed soon).

our new responsibility: observe, choose, response.

many, that are not on this fear road will feel peace, joy and gratitude that the changes are coming actually. and I know this side too, because I connect this two sides to a circle.

and here is my vision of the unfolding of my events:

I saw this spinning 3-dimensionally above my head ...