my next choice is about opening myself to the world. not just the nice things. it is important to be open to the whole expression of god on earth and then to choose my own expression.
my aspects cannot come home, when I deny the liar, thief, murderer, warrior, the anxious and traumatized person in me. so I opened to it, at least I played with it.
when I first did this, i felt my vulnerability thus resisting it. but it is necessary for me in order to move forward, to allow all this aspects of the past in and give them to my soul. so the mirror in the world is not needed any more.
for me the reflection of opening to the world was an interview with johanna-merete Creutzberg on shaumbra tv. i chose this interview, i released my fear of public speaking in the afternoon, i cried, yelled and laught at the same time, felt a layer of laughter enter my being. at the interview I got more and more open and vulnerable. there were some aspects torpeding the broadcast, I did it anyway. I walked through the door to be more open to the world.
It was a very precious experience for me, althoug at the first glance the broadcast looks broken. it was the perfect expression and a step towards releasing my story by telling bits and pieces of it.
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